History of Wideawake
The mining camp of Wideawake grew up at the center of the Wideawake
Mining District in the late 1800's. By 1867 it was a well established camp
with a population of several hundred in its heyday. The first
gold discovered in this area was discovered in January 1859 by F.F.
Langley and was known as Deadwood Diggings and probably acted as the impetus
for miners entering the area, resulting in the Perigo, Gold Dirt, Gilpin,
Wideawake gold camps and town sites.
The Caledonai was the major strike of this district in the early 1860's.
Its ores were processed by at least 3 early mills near the mine site. Although this camp has received little
attention in popular mining histories, it is significant because it dates back to the earliest mining activity
in Colorado.